This post was sponsored by Boxed Water. However, all opinions are my own.
Are you a sports parent? Has bag chairs, stadium seats, over sized coolers and car naps taken over your life?
It is important to consider the effects that the sun and warmer temperatures can have on your body and your performance, and to be sure to get appropriate hydration. Trying to adjust to the warm outdoor temperatures always seem to get the best of me. Just when I thought I was prepared to juggle the kids busy schedules, multiple practice locations and the all day games it seems like I just can’t get comfortable. You will often hear me joke about needing a clone! The reality of living out of your car is no joke and just when you thought you have it all together you realize you forgot the darn sunscreen.
Your children will play sports and you will be there. The important thing is figuring out how to stay healthy and be your best self in the process. Whether you are coach, team mom or spectator and watching from the bleachers, sidelines or your car you want to be prepared and in the moment. Will you smell like outdoors when its all said and done? Yes! Will you perspire from the heat? Yes! Will you get a mosquito bite here and there? Yes! But it’s all so worth it! I’ve worn many hats and spectated from many places and I still don’t have it all figured out. However, I do know what has helped me comfortably endure the long outdoor sports season and i’m sharing those tips with you below!
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Sports do not build character.
They reveal it.
– John Wooden
6 Tips To Help Sports Parents Beat The Heat During The Outdoor Season
More times than I would like to remember, I have been caught outdoors in the extreme heat having forgotten the necessary essentials for me to beat the heat. No sunglasses, low on sun screen, or out of snacks. You name it, I’ve been without it. To prevent this, start each outdoor season by packing a bag with all the necessary essentials you will need and keep it in the car at all times. As a sports parent we must STAY PREPARED! This will lessen the changes of walking off and forgetting something. Just because it’s hot outdoors doesn’t mean you have to avoid going outside all together! The key is making sure you’re well-prepared to beat the heat. For the most part, it’s easy to do.
Essentials you may need:
- Water
- Sports drinks
- Cooler
- Bag chair
- First aide kit
- Sunscreen
- Bug repellent
- Change of clothes
- Sunglasses
- Hats/Visors
- Refillable water bottle
- Stadium seat for bleachers
- Canopy Tent
The key to staying hydrated is to drink plenty of water. However, staying hydrated isn’t just about drinking a lot of water. There are a number of other precautions you can take to avoid dehydration during the summer. Foe example, stay inside when possible, especially during the hottest part of the day, and try to stay in the shade while spending time outside. Also, keep a bottle of water nearby and drink it regularly. But there’s more to just drinking water to stay hydrated. It’s about recognizing the signs of dehydration. Simple research goes a long way!
These days, I stay hydrated while on the go with Boxed Water. Not only is it thirst quenching but their cool packaging is also great for the planet. When the garbage cans are running over with plastic bottles at practice and games from thirsty fans, I feel much better knowing that my recyclable carton is actually making a difference in this world. Part sustainable water company, part philanthropic project. Boxed Water obsesses over providing the purest water in the most sustainable way. The cartons are made using paper from sustainably managed forests. If this is not enough, they are constantly finding ways to give back to the planet. Is Boxed Water really better some might ask? I think so, and I feel it in every sip I take!
High temps and the beaming sun can be really draining. Especially when you are tired and not well rested. Try your best to get a good nights sleep or a power nap when you know that you’ll have to spend time outdoors.
Nothing ruins a good day outdoors like a nasty sunburn. When outdoors, it’s important to use sunscreen. Don’t forget to cover areas that burn easily: nose, ears, shoulders, and back of the neck. Just like sunscreen protects the rest of your skin, using a lip balm with SPF protection blocks out the sun and keeps in moisture for your lips. Sometimes we forget that sunscreen needs to be reapplied depending on the duration outdoors and the activity being completed. Staying on top of your skincare will be the best thing you can do to beat the heat.
When you know that you will be outdoors in extreme heat its important to consider what you wear. Wearing light colors hold less heat. When possible try to sit in the shade. Shielding the sun with accessories like sunglasses and hats/visors will definitely help. Also wearing cotton clothing will help you beat the heat faster than other heavy materials. Keep cool!
Be considerate of the type of snacks you are consuming while spending time in extreme heat. Hot dogs and nachos taste great but they add no value to keeping you hydrated. There is a wide selection of food that consists of water, some more than others. They taste good and contain essential vitamins. A double win in the hydration game! It’s known that pineapples, cucumbers, watermelon, iceberg lettuce, celery, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries, and broccoli are all great ways to sneak in extra water and nutrition at the same time. The outdoor sporting season is the perfect time to load up on fresh fruits and vegetables, which are not only rich in nutrients, but also have a high water content. The foods you eat during the day will contribute to your hydration status, so if you know you will be outdoors its best to watch what you eat early on. Another helpful benefit is that fruits and vegetables are easy to digest and will keep you feeling light and hydrated.
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Great advice! I absolutely love the Neutragena Sunscreen you recommended! It works great and doesn’t cause my acne to flare!
Thank you! I couldn’t agree more, its been a game changer for us.
I’ve never heard of boxed water but I love the idea because I know plastic bottles can be harmful, especially in the sun! Also love the reminder of remembering a first-aid kit
You are absolutely correct!
This is a great list. My oldest is just starting to play sports and I need to remember all of these. We are also huge boxed water fans.
Thank you! It has really helped me get through the hot outdoor season.
This is a great list. Growing up my parents were always at our sporting events. And, I remember always feeling like they were happy and excited to be there. I think being prepared was part of it.
Thank you! You are absolutely right. If you are prepared, you will be comfortable and ready to cheer your child on.
I’ve never heard of Boxed Water before, what a cool concept! I love the packaging and what they do for our planet. What a score!
Yes, their mission is enough to keep me as a customer for years to come.
All of our kids were in sports last summer and wow the heat was bad. We live in the South and it got intense!
Yes, so do I. The summer heat is a force to be reckoned with!