Spring is approaching fast! Outside of the beautiful weather, the one thing that we all probably look forward to is spring cleaning, or not. However, it is something that must get done. It seems as if the reward is much sweeter after the work is done. You feel accomplished! You feel like a mom boss! Guess what!?! You should! Much like with the start of a new year, the habits of spring cleaning are best at the start of Spring.
While spring cleaning may never seem effortless, I’ve found that purging my kids closets are much easier then my own. This daunting task became less daunting once I determined the 5 simple steps that work for me. The great thing is that I am sharing it with you today in hopes that it makes this unavoidable task simpler for you!
Make it a family venture!
The kid’s should be helping too!
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5 Simple Steps To Purge Your Kids Closet This Spring
Clean Slate
The most efficient way to purge your kids closet is to start with a clean slate! Pull out everything and start fresh. Trying to work among clutter will just hinder the process. Once everything is removed it gives you a clear mind and the blank slate you need to get creative and organized.
Once you have cleared out the closet you should be dusting, wiping down the shelves/walls, and vacuuming if there is carpet. Give the carpet a sprinkle of carpet refresher and spray of air freshener to have the closet smelling just like spring!
It’s always a great idea to wipe down and spray any toys that were removed from the closet with Lysol and Febreeze.
The most important step of organizing your child’s closet is sorting everything. Pull everything off the hangers and organize the clothing into separate piles. My recommendation is to create four piles:
- Keep Pile – This will be everything that you intend to return back to it’s proper place in the closet.
- Garbage Pile – These are the things that can’t be kept or donated. For example, permanently stained items that aren’t appropriate for your child to wear any longer or good enough to donate.
- Donate Pile – These are the items that may be too small for your child now that you want to give away to others in need.
- Wash Pile – You will need to wash the clothes that you plan to donate and the clothes that you intend to keep that you feel may have collected some dust since last season.
During your organization process be sure to pull everything from the hangers and then wipe down the hangers to free them from any dust that has collected.
You can bag up your garbage pile and have it ready to go for trash day. Lastly, head straight to the laundry room with your wash pile and get everything feeling fresh again so that you can complete the process.
You should now have your wash pile all set and ready for cleaning. Your wash pile should be a combination of donation items and items you are keeping. Be sure to wash them in their respective groups. Once the clothing is done with the wash and dry process fold and bag all items that are for donation.
The items that are for keeping is ready to be stocked back in the closet!
Once the clothes have been washed you can now rehang what needs to be hung. You can start to put the things that you are keeping back into the closet. Will you organize them in the closet by season? Will you organize them by color? Do what works best for you but have a system! There are some great organization tools out there that free up space and make everything look neat and in order while doing it.
You should have now washed the clothing that you will be donating. Bag up everything, including any toys that you are giving away. Go donate them now! If you procrastinate those bags will go from sitting in the way for a couple of days until a couple of weeks. Trust me I know!
In my neighborhood, you don’t have to drive far. There are donation bends strategically placed throughout my local area which makes its really convenient to give to others. You can also check the drop off times for some of your local thrift stores like the Salvation Army.
Another option is to check with churches or friends who have smaller children that may want the items or know of someone else who does.
Have you started purging your kids closet for Spring?
What are you waiting for!?! GO OWN YOUR FANCY!!!
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My son is only 8 months old, so he is growing like a weed. We don’t get to hang on to many clothes. But so far what has helped me is I purge as I do laundry. So if something is stained, ripped, worn out, I put it in the recycle pile. If the clothes are just too small I put it into a box for the next baby or to donate. So far it is really helping keep the clutter in his drawers and closet to a minimum.
That is such a great way to stay on top of this cause they do grow fast!
Love this!! I purge twice a year, but I have to do it when my kids are gone. My kids get attached to easily
That makes complete since! I think I have fault a few battles with my kids presence.
I tried to do some of this over winter break but I need to do it again as the seasons are changing. It feels so good to get rid of stuff!
It sure does! It seems like my two grow like tumbleweeds.
Call me crazy, but I LOVE purging closets! There’s something so liberating about getting rid of all the stuff you don’t use anymore.
Well, you can come do mine! lol But, yes it is definitely a great feeling afterwards.
This is a simple and easy to implement process. I usually find going through my kids overflowing drawers and purging out all those clothes that don’t fit is the most tedious part. Now that my kids are older, I make them go through and pick out what doesn’t fit so I can save some time. 🙂
The joys of having older children! I’m sure to have mine help but I always have to double check cause some things they just don’t give up easily.
Definitely feel inspired to spring clean our closets. Love the idea to start with a clean slate, so smart!
Thank you! The time roll around so fast.
I go through my kids’ clothes with the change of each season and it’s always crazy to me how fast they grow! Some of the clothes I put away for younger siblings or family/friends who could still use them, some get donated and others I like to try and trade in for cash or in-store credit at a local kids consignment shop.
Selling to cosignment shops is a good one! I too have done that.
Such an inspiration, I need to do some cleaning in our closet as well. Those organizers really come handy. Thank you for sharing this post.
You are very welcome. I like how neat and organized it makes things look. They also free up a good amount of space.